What is your content mission statement?

What is your content mission statement?

On a regular basis, I want to invite you to think about some aspect of your content marketing or writing or business development. That’s why I’m starting this Wednesday Writing Prompt series. (You can also catch it on Instagram every week.) You don’t have to turn it in to anybody, of course, but consider starting a single Word document (or handwritten journal if that’s more your style). That way, you can reference all of these exercises in one place.

Why a writing prompt? Because it gets us thinking. So, even if you don’t actually write anything down (though I’d recommend that you do), at least give some thought to the prompts. Don’t feel like you have to get things perfect. This isn’t an exercise in creating perfect prose, nor is it an exercise in editing. It’s a thinking and writing prompt. So, write, think, set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes. Enjoy the process. Enjoy a few minutes every week to think.

Here’s our first Wednesday Writing Prompt: Describe your content mission in 100 words or less.

Not clear on what a content mission statement is? Check out this post from CMI.

Why is it important to know your content mission? Because if you have this in mind any time you work on your content, you can stay on track to creating content that aligns with your strategy.

Now, go write.