Proofreading Tips

Proofreading Tips2019-01-14T18:41:09+00:00

Even if your copy is on message and reads well, small errors can sink you.

Every month, our team — led by proofreader Sarah Muench — shares a proofreading tip or two to help you strengthen your content, one detail at a time.

Set up, setup and set-up

Setup is a noun and adjective and set up is a verb.  For example:  He was set up by the mob.  Her home entertainment center setup looked expensive. Do not use set-up.

Capital vs. Capitol

Capital means uppercase letters, money/wealth or the city that serves as the seat of a country's or state's government. A capitol is the building where the legislative branch (Congress) convenes.  Capitalize U.S. Capitol. Also, capitalize [...]

Disk vs. Disc

Spelling differences like disk and disc can be frustrating. They make us writers ask: Why!?!? In this case, the etymology takes us back to a word that refers to something flat and round. In Latin, [...]

Born vs. borne

Are our ideas born out of thin air? Or borne? Really, who can care when staring at this cute newborn baby, amiright? For this often-confusing word choice, we turn to the dictionary. (Fun fact: For [...]

Toe the line

This idiom, or a word or phrase that can't be understood outside its cultural context, frequently trips people up. See what we did there?  The commonly used phrase comes from track and field, where athletes [...]

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