
How to Write: A Donor Profile

2024-07-07T22:26:54+00:00July 25th, 2024|Blog|

Donor profiles are a nice way for hospital foundations, universities, private schools and other nonprofits to acknowledge the people who support them with donations both big and small. They also are a great opportunity to entice others to give. When your audience relates to a donor, they’re more likely to make a donation of their [...]

9 Feature Article Intros to Hook Your Readers

2024-07-24T03:19:02+00:00June 25th, 2024|Blog|

  What’s the hardest part of an article to write? If you said, “the introduction,” you’re not alone. A full 80% of AVC writers agree.  Introductions — or, for us journalism folks, leads/ledes — are tough to write because they are so. much. pressure! Not only do they need to pull the reader in, but [...]

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How to Write: A Video Voiceover Script

2024-06-23T04:04:16+00:00May 19th, 2024|Uncategorized, Blog|

How to Write: A Video Voiceover Script With 96% of marketers saying video is a crucial part of their content strategy, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be asked to write a voiceover script (if you haven’t already).  And while script writing sounds simple — after all, most marketing videos in 2024 are [...]

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How to Write: A Print Article

2024-07-24T03:22:44+00:00May 1st, 2024|Blog|

Most marketing is done digitally these days, but there is still value in print … perhaps even more than ever before. If it’s been awhile since you’ve written for print — or you’re new to it altogether — there are some nuances you’ll want to keep in mind when crafting your piece. Here are our [...]

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The Power of Patient Success Stories

2024-02-14T01:54:53+00:00March 25th, 2024|Blog|

  It’s easy to get caught up in reporting on the new technology your hospital has acquired or new procedure a physician is offering — especially when that’s the directive from above. We get it; hospital administration allocates large percentages of their budget to these types of things, and they want you to shout the [...]

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15 Years, 15 Lessons I’ve Learned

2024-02-12T20:59:52+00:00March 1st, 2024|Blog|

By Stephanie Conner If Active Voice Communications were a kid, she’d be a year away from getting her driver’s license. And with a company that is 15 years old, it’s hard to not feel like a grizzled old veteran. But the truth is that I am humbled and proud to still be in this profession [...]

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How to Write: a Q&A

2024-02-21T19:15:09+00:00February 17th, 2024|Blog|

If they made “I <3 Q&As” bumper stickers, you better believe everyone at AVC would have one. After all, Q&As are an excellent way to present content, particularly if you’re looking to: jam a lot of info into a single article, make search engine optimization a breeze or position your organization (or an individual) as [...]

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National Grammar Day Q&A

2024-02-22T19:51:01+00:00February 16th, 2024|Blog|

At AVC, we love National Grammar Day. We get excited about the chance to tell you why grammar still matters in the digital age. We take the opportunity to share our favorite grammar resources. We celebrate in true, word-nerd fashion. This year, we’re celebrating the big day by answering the grammar questions we get asked [...]

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How to Write: A Business Case Study

2024-01-19T16:33:10+00:00January 12th, 2024|Blog|

Case studies may not be the sexiest type of content around, but they are effective. Give this stat some thought: 73% of successful B2B content marketing teams produce case studies as compared with 61% of overall content teams, according to a report by the Content Marketing Institute.  Case studies are effective because they do what [...]

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How to Write an Award Submission

2023-12-11T21:30:15+00:00November 16th, 2023|Blog|

You’re not working overtime to produce on-point creative just to win a trophy. Between sales numbers, marketing metrics, upticks in awareness and simply what the CEO thinks, there are plenty of ways to measure the effectiveness of your work.  But recognition in the form of earning an industry award is a nice-to-have for a few [...]

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