Proofreading Tips

Jell vs. gel

2023-07-12T07:51:43+00:00June 25th, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

Jell-O is a gelatin dessert. Put that on your proofreading plate and eat it. Sometimes the English language is full of grammar surprises, like this homophone: jell/gel. Jell Jell is only a verb.  It can mean to set or become more solid, as in a liquid or semiliquid substance. "Watching the Jell-O jell felt like [...]

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Me, myself and I

2023-05-01T16:53:38+00:00May 22nd, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

Choosing the right first-person pronoun sometimes can be confusing. But there’s an easy test to self-check your grammar. Incorrect: When she’s done writing the first draft, she’ll send it to you or I. If you take out the second-person pronoun — “you” — this wouldn’t make sense: “She’ll send it to I.”  Correct: When she’s [...]

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Given free rein (it’s not reign!)

2023-05-01T16:48:31+00:00May 1st, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

We’ve all used and/or heard the expressions “free rein,” “rein it in,” and “take the reins.” All of them use the word “rein,” which can be a noun or a verb. Reins are the straps attached to a horse or other animal’s headgear. A rider uses reins to control and steer the animal. But these [...]

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Pique, Peak or Peek?

2023-02-19T21:55:08+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

Although they have identical pronunciation, "peak," "peek" and "pique" mean different things:  Peek is related to sight. As a noun, it means a brief or furtive look. As a verb, it means to take a look at something or look through something small. Example: She peeked around the corner. Peak is a noun or verb [...]

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Tips for Writing about People with Disabilities

2023-02-19T21:45:15+00:00February 19th, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

The terms “disabilities” and “disabled” span a broad range of physical, psychological, developmental and intellectual conditions. Some of these conditions are visible; others we cannot see. It’s important to remember that disabled individuals use diverse terms to describe themselves. Many, for example, use the term “people with disabilities.”  According to the Associated Press, both “people [...]

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Writing Relevant Racial Terms: Black and African American

2023-01-19T00:13:26+00:00January 25th, 2023|Proofreading Tips|

February is Black History Month, so let’s brush up on how to write some key terms that may appear in your content.  First, when describing someone's race, ask the person their preference. In 2020, the Associated Press updated its style guide to capitalize Black when referring to people in a racial, ethnic or cultural context. [...]

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Gray vs. Grey

2022-12-27T19:14:31+00:00December 27th, 2022|Proofreading Tips|

Is it grey or gray? It's really just a matter of vowels. No difference exists in meaning between these two versions of the same word, whether used as a noun, adjective or verb. Grey is more commonly used in British English, while gray is typically used in U.S. English. But be mindful of spelling for [...]

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Whether vs. whether or not

2022-10-24T01:50:28+00:00November 16th, 2022|Proofreading Tips|

“Whether” is a useful word to distinguish between two different scenarios, categories and more. But using "or not" with it can be redundant and a waste of space.  For example:  I wonder whether it will rain much this monsoon season.  I wonder whether or not it will rain much this monsoon season. In the above [...]

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When to use “penultimate”

2022-10-21T21:06:47+00:00October 21st, 2022|Proofreading Tips|

When else could you present a monthly grammar lesson on the word penultimate? See what we did there? If not, don't worry: Penultimate is just a fancy way of saying "next to last." Examples:  November is the penultimate month of the year. The penultimate rider out of the gate in the Tour de France time [...]

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When to Use However, Although and Though

2022-09-19T19:31:57+00:00September 19th, 2022|Proofreading Tips|

Let's start with the definitions of each of these words:  However can mean:  In whatever manner or way | Example: "I will support you however I can." To whatever degree or extent | Example: "The medical team couldn't convince him to get regular checkups however hard they tried." In spite of that | on the [...]

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