FAQsThis week’s writing prompt is for all you marketers out there. It’s simple yet useful.

And here it is: What are the three questions you hear the most from your customers and prospects?

As a marketer, you might not hear these questions directly. But through surveys and focus groups, you’ve probably gleaned the information. (And if you haven’t, something to add to your plan for next year perhaps?) Another great resource is your sales force: Ask them straight up what questions they’re hearing on the front lines.

So, once you complete the exercise and write down these questions, what good are they?

A few things. First of all, if you’re struggling with ideas for blog posts or other pieces of content, you can draft posts that address these questions — informing your audience and perhaps making them less frequently asked questions.

You might also want to use them to write scripts for a call center. Or if the questions address big, sweeping topics, you might discover an opportunity for an article or white paper.

And, of course, let’s not forget that marketers can influence operations in organizations that respect the marketing function. So, if one of the questions you often hear speaks to a problem not with communications but with the way your organization or the product/service operates, maybe it’s time to get some people in a room and find a solution.

Now that you know all the potential benefits of this week’s Wednesday Writing Prompt … go write.