Wednesday Writing Prompt #14: A Memorable Misunderstanding
As a communicator, I feel confident that I get it where communication is concerned. I know words matter. And that tone matters just as much. I understand the importance of knowing my audience and speaking [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #13: Your Writing Super Power
Over the weekend, I saw the latest installment of Marvel's Captain America series. I have a good friend who feels that comic-book movies are part of what's wrong with movie-making today, but man, I just [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #12: Write Your Own Rules
If you’ve been following our Wednesday Writing Prompt series, you know we’re trying to do a mix of marketing-related and personal prompts. Well, here’s one you can take either way. But either way, make it [...]
Better Interviewing: 6 Ways to Relax a Nervous Source
A nervous source can tank an interview — ultimately leading to dull content. That's because nervous interviewees tend to give short answers and shy away from colorful responses. They might even appear defensive. If you [...]
5 Lessons Gleaned From Star Wars
Today, I published a post — the 11th in our Wednesday Writing Prompt series — in honor of Star Wars Day. I invited you to have some creative fun and write about the five lessons [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #11: It’s Star Wars Day, Baby!
Yoda's words of wisdom. A not-so-secret confession: I'm a big nerd. Comic book movies (preferably Marvel) and Star Wars are my jam. And today — Star Wars Day — I thought we could [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #10: Your Pain Point
In sales and marketing, we often talk about pain points. These are the things — both small and large — that keep our businesses from running smoothly. They cost us money and man-hours. They cost [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #9: A New About Page
Always wanted a new About page for your company website? Do it now. It’s easy to neglect your company About page in lieu of more dynamic content efforts. After all, you can probably [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #8: Content You Admire
It's easy to get so busy producing content for your brand that you forget this one simple fact: You, too, are a consumer of content. So, this week, let's take a few minutes and think [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #7: A Piece of Writing That Has Affected You
This might be one of the hardest of the Wednesday Writing Prompts so far. That's because I'm asking you to think of a piece of writing — yes, ANY — piece of writing that has [...]