In recent weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about my work and what I can do to minimize my slow writing days and capitalize on my good, productive writing days. Sometimes the words and ideas and motivation just flow. Other times? Not so much.

And that’s really the inspiration for this week’s writing prompt: What helps you be at your best?

That might mean your most creative or most productive — or just the best version of yourself personally. What do you need in your environment? Maybe it’s music. Perhaps a clean desk. Do you find that on days when you’ve meditated or worked out that you’re a better you? Or that things tend to come off the rails when you were up late or you haven’t had the social time you need?

Personally, I found this to be a really helpful exercise because I need to be able to accurately and reliably estimate my hours. Because if I’m not as productive as I expected to be, it can mean working late at night or on the weekends — and this results in a less happy me.

I don’t pretend to be a self-help guru by any means, but I encourage you to journal a bit today about what you need in your job (or your life) to be at your best. Then, give some thought to the changes you need to make in your life to achieve those conditions.