A perfect day is rare. I don’t have to tell you this.
When we think about our best days, we often think of milestones: graduation, our wedding day, the day our child was born. We think of emotional highs: a great kiss, an amazing day of connecting with a friend or partner, hearing our child say, “I love you.”
But these aren’t days you can script. These best days just … happen.
Sometimes perfection does too. But have you ever thought about what would be a perfect day? Does it start with sleeping in? Does it involve your family? Does it involve blowing off work? (Um, yes, of course, it does.) Someone making you dinner for a change? A good book and a great glass (or two) of wine? Having your closest friends over for lunch? Laying on the beach all day? Clearly, no two people will have the same perfect day.
So, this is your writing — and more importantly, thinking — prompt for this week: Design and describe your perfect day.
Want extra credit? Try to make it happen for yourself!
Now, go write.