Do you give your current self an A+? (Photo by Thinkstock.)
We’re going deep this week. I’m not going to lie; it’s largely because I’ve been in a bit of a self-reflective mode lately. Personally, I go through a version of this exercise around the first of the year. I don’t call them resolutions, per se, but reflections. And I do something similar around my birthday, which recently passed. So, yeah, I’ve been thinking about this question and trying to write about it.
I believe that reflecting on who we are and who we want to be is beneficial. But it’s not easy.
When our writing prompts are hard, though, good things come of them. First of all, our writing improves in some way. And secondly, we think about things we might not otherwise.
So, here is our 30th writing prompt: Describe the you that you want to be.
This isn’t about perfection. It’s about getting a little closer to a life you’re proud to live. So, what would you change? What wouldn’t you change? What things are within your ability to change?
What prevents you from being the you that you want to be? Everything is on the table.
You know what’s next: Go write.