Credit: Thinkstock
How do you want people to feel when they work with you? What about when they read your latest blog post or tweet or any other content your produce? It’s really about your brand promise. And that’s essential to consistency of content and brand effectiveness — and ultimately, business success.
In fairness, I can’t take credit for this exercise — I’m certainly tapping into the collective wisdom of a number of marketers out there. I encourage you to think about this question because it can help inform your overall marketing strategy, your content mission (and the content that falls out from there), and more. You can use this exercise to refocus your personal brand and related blog content. Or you might want to have each member of your communications team complete this exercise on their own and then come together to discuss your thoughts.
So, here it is. This week’s writing prompt: Using three words, describe how you want your customers/clients/readers to feel after they walk away from an interaction with you (or your content)?
Do you want them to be inspired? Informed? Curious? Entertained? Offended? Ready to take action? Relaxed? Confident? Uplifted?
When you drill down what you want the effect of your content mission or brand to be, you can more appropriately gauge whether the materials you’re producing support your goal. For example, if you want people to feel uplifted when they walk away from your content, you can use that lens to review your Facebook and Twitter feed. Are you posting negative comments? Or are you sharing content and messages consistent with your brand goal?
So, let’s get back to basics and think about the very core of our brand and our content. What is our purpose? What are we trying to put out into the content universe? If we are successful, how will our customers and other consumers of our content feel?
I believe it’s an important question.
Ready, set? Write.