If you’re a marketer, then you know that your job isn’t just about producing beautiful materials. It’s about producing materials that accomplish something. You’re not successful unless a consumer picks up the phone or clicks a link or downloads a brochure — and ultimately buys something. And all of that hinges on the quality of your calls to action.
Here are a few ways to instantly improve the effectiveness of your CTAs.
1. Use the word “Free.” Nothing gets people’s attention like the allure of free stuff!
2. NOW. Phrases that convey urgency (“act now,” “limited time only,” “offer ends at midnight”) help motivate people to move when you want them to — which is now.
3. Use a verb. You want people to take action. So, tell them what action you want them to take. Maybe it’s “Buy now.” But for most of your materials, it’s probably not a purchase. It’s “register for our webinar” or “download our whitepaper.” It’s OK if your CTA isn’t about buying. But tell customers what you want from them.
4. Make it short. People don’t have all day. So, keep the word count on your CTA as short as possible. They won’t act if they’re too intimidated to read the CTA.
5. Spend time on your CTAs. The CTA might be one of shortest pieces of copy you’ll write today, but don’t fall into the trap of making it an afterthought. It’s one of the most important things you’ll write, so take the time to write it well. Consider taking the time to write multiple CTAs and testing the copy.
For more great advice on calls to action, check out this post from the Content Marketing Institute, one of my favorite resources for content marketing advice!