Proofreading Tips

Proofreading Tips2019-01-14T18:41:09+00:00

Even if your copy is on message and reads well, small errors can sink you.

Every month, our team — led by proofreader Sarah Muench — shares a proofreading tip or two to help you strengthen your content, one detail at a time.

Less vs. Fewer

"What's the big deal? They mean the same thing."  True. "Less" and "fewer" have similar meanings, but they frequently are misused. When that happens, it's a grammar mistake that can leave your audience with less [...]

Phase vs. Faze

Is the phase of bad grammar you're going through fazing you? We're here to set you straight. Phase, a noun, has several definitions, but we'll keep it simple and go with the top two: A particular [...]

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