The best way to become a better writer is by writing.
Write for fun. Write for work. Write to explore your personal emotions. Whatever you do, just write. But deciding what to write about is often the hardest part. So, we’ll help you out. Below you’ll find a number of writing prompts to get you started.
Wednesday Writing Prompt #12: Write Your Own Rules
If you’ve been following our Wednesday Writing Prompt series, you know we’re trying to do a mix of marketing-related and personal prompts. Well, here’s one you can take either way. But either way, make it [...]
5 Lessons Gleaned From Star Wars
Today, I published a post — the 11th in our Wednesday Writing Prompt series — in honor of Star Wars Day. I invited you to have some creative fun and write about the five lessons [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #11: It’s Star Wars Day, Baby!
Yoda's words of wisdom. A not-so-secret confession: I'm a big nerd. Comic book movies (preferably Marvel) and Star Wars are my jam. And today — Star Wars Day — I thought we could [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #10: Your Pain Point
In sales and marketing, we often talk about pain points. These are the things — both small and large — that keep our businesses from running smoothly. They cost us money and man-hours. They cost [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #9: A New About Page
Always wanted a new About page for your company website? Do it now. It’s easy to neglect your company About page in lieu of more dynamic content efforts. After all, you can probably [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #8: Content You Admire
It's easy to get so busy producing content for your brand that you forget this one simple fact: You, too, are a consumer of content. So, this week, let's take a few minutes and think [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #7: A Piece of Writing That Has Affected You
This might be one of the hardest of the Wednesday Writing Prompts so far. That's because I'm asking you to think of a piece of writing — yes, ANY — piece of writing that has [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #6: My Favorite Word Is ____.
What is your favorite word? You know the drill for the Wednesday Writing Prompts. We're trying to drive creativity, give ourselves (just a little) time to think and have a little fun. [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #5: Your Own Content Craves
What content do you crave? We talk a lot about content. What will bring more people to our website? What will get people to subscribe? We brainstorm story ideas. We seek out new [...]
Wednesday Writing Prompt #4: Luck
Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. Before you bring on the corned beef and green beer, take time to participate in our fourth Wednesday Writing Prompt. Remember: The goal here is to get you writing and [...]