

Our Long National Nightmare Is Over

Our long national nightmare is over. I am, of course, referring to the media's coverage of Michael Jackson's death and funeral. OK, I know, I know. It's not over. There are still reports to be [...]

When Do YOU Care About Grammar?

Today, I'd love to have a conversation with you about the way you view copy. Even without such a conversation, I ask you to consider a question you may or may not have considered before. [...]

Governor Sanford: Honesty & Good PR

One person whose job I don't want today: Gov. Mark Sanford's press secretary. I'm sure that job has more than its fair share of hard, stressful and just plain bad days, but on a day [...]

Are Agencies Taking SM Strategy Seriously?

In a recent conversation with a colleague, we embarked on the subject of social media. For those of us in media/marketing/communications, social media is so often where our conversations end up. How can we make [...]

Follow Your Clients and Sources

There are a lot of components to being a good PR/Marketing/Media professional. Yes, being a good writer or editor is one expectation. Understanding the business. Delivering creative ideas. Providing stellar customer service — or at [...]

A Reason for Social Networks You May Have Overlooked

When you think of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other social networks, it's easy to think two things: 1. Young people. 2. What a waste of time. And while Twitter's demographic is actually a bit older [...]

Whom Can You Trust?

With the advent of citizen journalism and free, easy-to-use online publishing tools, media consumers have an infinite number of places to go for information. We can read blogs, subscribe to podcasts, follow people on Twitter [...]

Is Your Boss Watching You on Facebook & Twitter?

Here's some not-so-shocking news: A majority of executives say they have a right to know how employees portray themselves and their organizations on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, according to a Deloitte LLP survey. [...]

Keeping Your Mouth Shut is Communication, Too

Whether it's the success of trashy daytime talk shows where "real" (I have to have my doubts) people expose their every thought or the expanse of news programming where we are privy to the words [...]


Hello, and welcome to AVC's blog! There are hundreds—er, probably thousands—of communications and marketing blogs out there, so I appreciate you taking the time to read this one. In the weeks and months ahead, this [...]

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