In July, I had the opportunity to speak at MORE: the retreat. My session was a primer on content marketing, but it was just one small part of the weekend. I also listened to industry experts talk about social media and healthy relationships and parenting and goal setting and business strategy. It was a jam-packed weekend to be sure.

But the thing that was so amazing about this retreat — and these people — was that we shared so much in common. Most of us were business owners or independents. Most of us were parents. And a lot of us had opted to bring our spouses and children to this professional gathering. I mean, can you even imagine … A weekend business retreat at the Ritz-Carlton where you also get a date night with your husband and your 2-year-old gets to have a blast too?

MORE, the organization presenting this truly unique weekend, was founded by a colleague and now friend of mine, Amber Anderson. I’m proud to know and work with her, and at Active Voice Communications, we’re proud to be a partner/sponsor, collaborating on MORE‘s content. Just last week, MORE 2.0 launched. The organization has an updated look and a renewed focus on bringing resources and support to family-minded business owners. And I love, love, love their mission. Love.

As parents — as people, really — we talk a lot about balance. And eventually, we all realize that balance is an absurd notion. In fact, my BFF writes a great blog about being a mom in Corporate America, and she recently tackled the five reasons to stop chasing balance. So, if we aren’t chasing balance, what are we chasing? For some us, sanity would be nice. Am I right?

Still, for so many of us who are ambitious high achievers, we feel like we can’t achieve balance, and we can’t have it all (whatever that is) … So, where do we go? In my mind, we go to MORE. We want just a little more … something. And that more is different for each of us. But before we can have any hope of getting what we want, we have to be able to identify it. We have to know what’s missing. More time with our partner, more time with our kids, more help at work, more … whatever.

So, in honor of The New MORE, I offer this week’s writing prompt: What do you want more of? (And why?)

You know the drill: Go write (but mostly think).